
Mallas hexagonal wire mesh makes the premier materials for chicken wire. Also used in construction as stucco mesh. We have light type and heavy type hexagonal meshes.

Finishes can be electric galvanized, hot dipped zinc coated or further coated with plastic powders. Hot dipped heavy coated hexagonal mesh has better corrosion resistance and properties than electro galvanized wire mesh. PVC coating adds more benefits to the hexagonal wire mesh and more choices for the customers.

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Hexagonal opening wire mesh is made by twisting in straight, reverse and both directions of the wire. The finished wire mesh differences from each other due to the varied twisting processes.

Typical sizes (mesh opening) available for Mallas Hexagonal Mesh: 3/8" 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 1" 2"

Light type hexagonal mesh is popular as poultry fences for breeding of chicken, rabbit and other small animals.

Heavy type hexagonal mesh can be fabricated into gabion baskets used in a wide range of uses, like control and guide of water or flood, flood bank or guiding bank, preventing of rock breaking, water and soil protection, bridge protection, strengthening structure of soil, etc.


The Chicken wire,offers a cost-benefit. Made with galvanized wire, can also be used in fencing for gardens and orchards, as well as in restraint of small animals, ensuring safety and security. The screen Chicken Wire is easy to use and installation, ensuring a quality service and great savings.

Baixo Teor de Carbono (BTC); Galvanizado (Zincado)
Applications, Chicken Coop,, Poultry

Characteristics, Low Carbon Content (BTC) Galvanized (Zinc)